Homework announcement

從現在起,因為大家已經稍微了解的了一些常用的函式庫,因此從現在開始請各位同學於本實驗室架設的Online Judge做UVA的題目,請每個禮拜做10題。 From now on, because everyone has a little understanding of some commonly used libraries, all students will be asked to do UVA questions in the Online Judge which's set up by our laboratory. Please do 10 questions every week.

請將公開暱稱命名成自己的名字。 Please name your Nick Name to your own name.

請注意!所有的題目都須以python編寫,若有發現以其他程式語言編寫的話,則不予計算。 PLEASE NOTICE! All questions must be written in python. If it is found to be written in other programming languages, it will not be counted.

警告!請在暑假前完成至少2/3的作業!否則專題將不會通過! Warning! Please complete at least 2/3 of your homework before the summer vacation ends! Otherwise, you'll get in trouble!

