080502 - Pokémon Illustration Book

題目敘述 Problems Description:


Jason is a Pokémon fan. His dream is to be a Pokémon master, but his Pokémon illustration book missed a few generations. Please help him to get all of the pictures by crawler on the Pokémon official website, which is missed in his book.

輸入說明 Input Description:


Please use the following link to get all of the pictures in generation 1, 5, 7.

<<< Pokémon info >>>

輸出說明 Output Description:


Please download each picture into the folder which name is the corresponding generation no. and the picture name format must be ID Number_Name_Attribute.png. Besides, please use _ to separate each attribute if there are multiple attributes. If there are some weird symbols in its name except ., like :,\, etc, please remove it.

輸入範例 Input Example:


輸出範例 Output Example:

Picture name: 1_Bulbasaur_grass_poison.png

提示 Hint:


Please check whether there is a folder of Pokemons in the current path, and there are folders of Generation_1, Generation_5, and Generation_7 in it. If not, add them. In addition, please create folders and save files according to the structure shown in the figure below.

請使用 beautifulsoup library 搭配 lxml 來爬資料。 Please use beautifulsoup library and lxml to do web scraping

