071501 - Currency Conversion

題目敘述 Problems Description:

請寫一個程式可以做幣值換算,可供兌換的幣值有: 1. 台幣(NTD) 2. 英鎊(GBP) 3. 韓元(KRW) 4. 美金(USD) 5. 日元(JPY)

輸入end則程式結束。若輸入GBP,KRW,NTD,USD,JPY,end以外的指令則輸出 ”ERROR!! Input again!!” 並重複輸入直到有正確的指令才繼續執行。

Please write a program to do currency conversion. The available currency values are: 1. New Taiwan dollar(NTD) 2. British pound(GBP) 3. Korean won(KRW) 4. US dollar(USD) 5. Japanese yen(JPY)

If you input end, then terminate your program. If you input commands except GBP,KRW,NTD,USD,JPY,end, then output "ERROR!! Input again!!"


  • 1 GBP = 37.7412 NTD

  • 1 GBP = 1526.73 KRW

  • 1 GBP = 1.2588 USD

  • 1 GBP = 134.99 JPY

輸入說明 Input Description:

輸入順序: 1. X(需要被轉換的幣種:GBP,KRW,NTD,USD,JPY, 或終止指令: end) 2. N(要兌換幣種X的金額,且為實數) 3. Y(幣種X要選擇兌換的幣種,若為end則算輸入錯誤)

Input sequence: 1. X(currency type need to be converted:GBP,KRW,NTD,USD,JPY, or terminal command: end) 2. N(the amount of currency x need to be converted, N is a real number) 3. Y(currency type need to convert, but if it's a terminal command: end, print "ERROR!! Input again!!")

輸出說明 Output Description:

全部的幣值為浮點數,幣值 X 的 N 元兌換成幣值 Y(取到小數點後第三位,記得四捨五入)。若輸入的 X 或 Y 有錯誤則輸出 "ERROR!! Input again!!"。而若 N<0 則輸出"N cannot smaller than 0!! Input again!!"。

All of numbers is float, and convert the amount N of currency X to currency Y (take the third decimal place, remember to round up). If the input X or Y is wrong, output "ERROR !! Input again !!", if N <0 then output “N cannot smaller than 0!! Input again!!"

輸入範例 Input Example:

NTD 100 KRW GBBs KRW -20 50 end JPY end

輸出範例 Output Example:

100.0 NTD = 4045.261 KRW ERROR!! Input again!! N cannot smaller than 0!! Input again!! ERROR!! Input again!! 50.0 KRW = 4.421 JPY

提示 Hint:

請搭配 字典 來解決該問題。

Please use Dictionary to help you solve this problem.

